Welcome to the official
business card site
belonging to

Anastasia Mashina

Youth for youth and about youth.

Lecturer of the Russian
Znanie Society
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Speaker at all-Russian and international forums events
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Host of author's blog МАШИНА100
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Ambassador of Rosmolodezh.Impakt
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Trainee and employee of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs, Rosmolodezh.Business
and the federal project "YavDele."
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Partner of the All-Russian ECOSYSTEM movement
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Multiple winner of All-Russian and international Olympiads, medallist. "I am a Professional", scientific worker
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Head of the All-Russian educational and awareness-raising project "Startup Leaders
of the Future"
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Short biography
In 2021 she graduated from the school of the Centre for Pedagogical Mastery in Ecology
in Moscow with a red certificate and two gold medals.
Winner and prize-winner of regional and All-Russian Olympiads for schoolchildren
(All-Russian School Olympiads, Lomonosov and others).
In 2020 she graduated from Moscow Medical College No. 6 with honours.
She has been actively engaged in scientific activities since high school.

In 2021 she entered the Institute of Ecology of PFUR, was the Chairman of the Scientific Student Community from 2021 to 2023.

Since 2021 she has been working in international and domestic projects: ClimateScience, Foundation for the Development of the Housing and Utilities Sector (project department, sustainable development), team of the coordination centre in Moscow of the federal project for the development of youth entrepreneurship "I'm in Business", international department of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs and other projects, including commercial ones.
Photo by Jacob
Photo by Leio
Photo by Jacob
Photo by Marion
Photo by Jacob
Photo by Shifaaz
Photo by Mike
Photo by Jason
Photo by Sven
Photo by Ed
Photo by David
Photo by Hal

  • Certified ecologist and project manager (Patrice Lumumba RUDN, SPbPU, Tampere Uni, California State Uni San Marcos, Southern Utah Uni, Oxford Uni).

  • Multiple prize-winner, winner and medallist of "I am a Professional" and other All-Russian and international Olympiads.

  • Author of articles at all-Russian and international conferences

  • Two-time finalist of "Your Move"

  • Organiser and speaker of All-Russian and international forums

  • Current member of the All-Russian School of Education Expert Committee

  • Mentor of grant projects, I have an advanced training diploma from Plekhanov Russian Economic University.

  • Ex Senior Manager of the Federal Programme YavDele

  • Ex Specialist of FADM, national project "Science and Universities"

  • Guest and speaker at Roscongress forums

  • Founder and director of the educational project for children and youth #StartupFutureLeaders
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Contacts for questions cooperation
+7 962 9601311